About the Header Photo

Our Valentine Sweets header cookie bouquet was created with Sweet Stampen's food safe rubber stamps: Chocolates, a tiny heart cut from Circle of Love, The whole image of Circle of love was used with , Winner's Circle was used to frame Wedding Border, a mini heart stamp was used dry to emboss the surface around Cupid's Magic, last cookie features a stamp that is not online yet: Key to My Heart

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Housebox Creativity

I thought I would show off a little creativity from one of our customers. Marge, a volunteer at St. Paul's Lutheran School in Fairmont, MN sent me some photos from the housebox projects created by the students before the holidays.

Using just the Museum of Modern Rubber Housebox Template and colored papers, the kids created some darling houses for the holidays!

Marge told us a little about the arts program at St. Paul's:

The art program is manned by volunteers and teachers.  The volunteers go into each classroom with prints of the Masters , I believe from the National Gallery of Art, and present the art history lessons at least once or twice a month.  Some volunteers are artists themselves and expand on the techniques, etc. suggested by each of the great Masters.  The teacher then gathers the material from the store room (not too much) and at least once a week has an art project based on what the students have learned.  Color, design, texture, etc.  (3M mfg. is in town and has given us some materials to use as well. Many of our church's members work there.)   The program is from 1st thru 8th grade.   Students finish at their own pace and during free time can finish an art project, finish homework, or read.

 Marge even loans some of her own tools to the school for use in the art program.

Volunteerism is alive and well at St. Paul's. Marge shares that many in the community volunteer:

I am a volunteer every Wednesday and grade Math, English, Spelling and Spanish papers. Latin is taught by one of our retired teachers.  Our teachers not only teach the basics, but also teach their own gym, and eat with the students at lunch time.  So you see we have many volunteers who mentor, read to the groups, etc.   Our basketball, soccer, etc. coaches are all men teachers and volunteers who help out the sports programs.  A faithful volunteer has the cheerleading squads.  Our religion classes are also taught by each teacher.  Pastors teach the Confirmation lessons once a week to Public and SPLS.  Many of our students are in the upper percentile at the two high schools in town.....Martin Luther H.S. and Fairmont H.S.  Dedication and hard work is the name of the game.

We're  going to ship a package to the school this week to help with that supply closet. And we're so happy Marge shared her lovely pictures with us!!!  The kids are very talented and imaginative!  Thank you Marge!

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