Long time, no post! I decided to change our header to Carole's lovely Valentine Sweet Cookie bouquet and decided an update was in order!
I've started another job... when you are a struggling artist, you have to wear a lot of hats to cobble together a living! So that is mostly the reason for the lack of posts here. I still make and ship food grade rubber stamps most every day. I still ship Museum of Modern Rubber's wood mounted fantastical creations. We still create custom food safe rubber stamps. I also make glass beads, teach art classes and now... elementary and high school sub work! I'm one tired puppy and blogging just has to take a backseat to actual money making!
Our Valentine Sweets header cookie bouquet was created with Sweet Stampen's food safe rubber stamps: Chocolates, a tiny heart cut from Circle of Love, The whole image of Circle of love was used with , Winner's Circle was used to frame Wedding Border, a mini heart stamp was used dry to emboss the surface around Cupid's Magic, last cookie features a stamp that is not online yet: Key to My Heart